Monthly Archives: August 2012

Life on Nanchang Lu: Capture the Colour Contest: China in Five Colours


Such amazing images…and I love the thought of a color theme …I hadn’t ever really looked at how a country could be depicted in colors….hmmmm

This are images from a blog I am following ” Life on Nanchang Lu”




















Take a peek at her blog… on this link : Life on Nanchang Lu: Capture the Colour Contest: China in Five Colours.

Chinese fadget corner-Stylish Beach masks to maintain your “paleness”!


(  by Ian Richmond-from a blog in china…verynanchang)Image


Beach Masks Help Chinese Stay Pale In China, as well as most of the rest of East Asia, getting a tan is out. For hundreds of years, pale skin is what they have considered beautiful, but this does not stop people from spending time at the beach. What’s their secret? They wear specially designed beach masks or hood while on the beach or in the water. It seems a little funny at first, but it protects your skin from the sun. It’s believed that in 20-30 years, people who have used this product will have younger faces compared to those who embraced the sun. That is a really good thing, especially for women. Priced at $2-3 each, they even come in different colors, and they’re jellyfish-proof.