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A day in Long Hu Shan ~ The home of Taoism {Part 1}


A day in Long Hu Shan ~ The home of Taoism {Part 1}

Ying Yang

Recently we went on a day trip with a group of friends to an area North of us…a lovely time for sure! Weather was nice, people amazing and the scenery beautiful! Long Hu Shan { Dragon Tiger Mountain} is known for two things…being the birth place of Taoism and the Ying Yang symbol as well as the cave burial location of an ancient tribe in China.

A Chinese lesson….making Jiǎozi~饺子



Oh these are yummy little Chinese treats that we were fortunate enough to have a lesson from our co~teachers mom. I feel very fortunate to have had this shared experience….it’s this what life is all about????


The secret family recipe…ya, I think it will remain a secret..haha, my reading of Chinese characters isn’t all that.


Making the dough



Making the filling~ pork, chopped cabbage, 2 different soy sauces, ginger, MSG, 2 different pepper, and ??? Whatever it was, YUMMY!


And now cook…add to water, bring to a boil, add a cup of water…reboil, add another cup of water…and when those little tasy treats float, they are ready!